Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

DemoCamp 8 Tomorrow!

'Toronto DemoCamp' logo.

Don’t forget, Toronto’s monthly show-and-tell event for techies, DemoCamp, takes place tomorrow night! It takes place at No Regrets (42 Mowat Avenue, not far from King and Dufferin) with the first presentation taking place at 6:30 p.m.. There’s be a follow-up social at the same location once presentations end, which should be about 8-ish.

The scheduled presentations are:

  1. WildApricot: Web-based software that automates daily administrative routines for associations and non-profits.
  2. Google maps-powered job board
  3. Filemobile: Power tools for bloggers, letting users videoblog and moblog with ease.
  4. Languify: A not-yet-released tool from the Nuvvo team & Nicolaas Handojo to manage translating your user interface to new languages.
  5. Mike McDerment from How to Measure the Success of Your Web Service

2 replies on “DemoCamp 8 Tomorrow!”

Wish I could be there, but I have ballroom dancing lessons. The wife would kill me.

Worry not, Randy, there’ll be more. I’ve had to sit out a couple of geek gatherings myself for quality time with the sposa.

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