
Rough Clips from "The Simpsons Movie"

Logo for 'The Simpsons Movie.

Two rough clips from the upcoming Simpsons Movie were shown at the recent San Diego Comic Convention. Someone emailed me footage of those clips and I’m now sharing them with you. These may or may not make it into the final movie (scheduled for release on July 27, 2007) — they may even be red herrings created by the Simpsons team.

Still from one of the rough clips for 'The Simpsons Movie' shown at the 2006 San Diego Comic Con.
Click the image to see the clip.

Here’s the first clip [3.2MB MP4], in which Homer is on a dogsled and pushing the dogs hard. Wikipedia summarizes it like so:

Homer begins with a voice over saying “Here’s a scene from The Simpsons Movie. It’s a work in progress so I don’t want anyone asking stupid questions like ‘Hey, what happened to the colour?'”. As Homer says this, the movie logo on screen fades to black and white and he yells “Hey, what happened to the colour?!”

In this scene, Homer is in an arctic location on a dogsled, whipping the dogs and repeatedly yelling “Run!” at them. In the next scene, the dogs are sleeping and Homer continues to whip them now yelling “Rest!” The dogs are then seen running again and Homer says “Okay. That’s enough whipping for now… with this arm!”, as he proceeds to whip them with his other arm. Night falls and Homer begins to untie them saying “Now I know we’ve had a rough day, but I’m sure we can put all that behind us and just…” when the dogs attack him and run away. Homer whines “Why does everything I whip leave me?”

Still from one of the rough clips for 'The Simpsons Movie' shown at the 2006 San Diego Comic Con.
Click the image to see the clip.

Here’s the second clip [3.4MB MP4], in which an angry mob of Springfield townsfolk converge on the Simpsons’ house.

Wikipedia’s summary:

…an angry mob of Springfieldians chanting “We want Homer! We want Homer!” and heading for the Simpsons’ house, where Marge and Homer are hiding, looking out through a bedroom window. Lenny asks Moe, “So, uh, who we gonna kill again?” Moe responds “Uh, I think the people in the front know.”

Marge: Look what you’ve done to us! Our only hope is for you to face that mob and apologize for what you did.

Homer: I would, but I’m afraid if I open the door they’ll take all of you!

Carl: (off screen) No, we won’t. We just want Homer!

Homer: Well maybe not you, but they’ll kill Grampa!

Grampa: (off screen) I’m part of the mob!

The angry mob brings a ladder up and climbs up to the bedroom.

Lisa: Ladders! They’ve got ladders!

The mob breaks the window and people start climbing up one by one as Homer throws items at them as he shouts out puns.

Homer: (throwing a lamp at the Sea Captain) Lights out! (throwing a camera at the Blue Haired Lawyer) Say cheese! (throwing a doily at Dr. Hibbert) And uh… hello doily!

Dr. Hibbert: I’ll kill you, you son of a bitch!

Homer screams and runs as the crowd starts coming in through the window. Downstairs, the mob breaks through the front door and runs into the house, breaking everything in their way.

Krusty: Teeny! Take out the baby.

Maggie smashes her bottle, points it at Mr. Teeny as a weapon and they make karate gestures at each other.

9 replies on “Rough Clips from "The Simpsons Movie"”

Yeah, if the gags in these two clips is any indication of what the rest of the movie will be like, we’re in for a treat. Here’s hoping…

Joey, the mp4 downloads download as filename.mp4.txt on my MacBook 10.4.7- you might check the originals. You can download and change the filename (delete the .txt extension).

I should check it out anyway, because I’m sure I’ll run into this issue again — not only on this blog, but also in web applications I build. Thanks for the ehads-up, Patrick!

I had the same thing with Safari. I just downloaded and changed the file name from “mp4.txt” to “mp4” and it worked.

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