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The Protocols of the Drunk Drivers of Malibu, Part 3

Rob Schneider’s heart was in the right place for calling out Mel Gibson in an open letter posted as an advertisement in the August 3rd edition of the Hollywood rag Variety (shown below):

Rob Schneider's open letter to Mel Gibson.

Hearts in right places aside, I doubt that his “I’ll never work with you, Mel Gibson!” swagger will be any more effective than a hypothetical threat by Britney Spears to never work with transistor-inventor-turned-race-eugenicist William Shockley, her knowledge of semiconductor physics notwithstanding.

2 replies on “The Protocols of the Drunk Drivers of Malibu, Part 3”

Screw Rob Schneider. I’ll work with Mel. I need the cash & I have no scruples.

P.S. I Luv Jews, BTW.

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