In the News

"You Laughed at the Shoe Thing Too, Remember?"

In response to the current airport security measures, my good buddy George writes:

Every time I take off my shoes, and now, when I have to travel carry-on/gel/liquid free and suck back breast milk in front of a TSA employee, I can’t help but feel that, somewhere, a would-be terrorist is laughing at me.

and David Malki illustrates roughly the same sentiment on his comic, Wondermark!, featuring an imagine Al Qaeda terror nrainstorming session:

Wondermark comic for August 11, 2006.

Click the comic to see the original.

3 replies on “"You Laughed at the Shoe Thing Too, Remember?"”

Is it just me who notices that I don’t have to take off my shoes when I go to the States, but I do when I leave?

Isn’t this connected with what Michael Moore described as generating a “climate of fear”?

We all larfed at the comic. But it would have been more ironic if it had been remixed with almost the same words but with engravings of the founding fathers as the backdrop. As it is, its actually just re-inforcing the stereotypes of “dumb ragheads”. And that probably reflects on my irony virus that doesnt believe a word of what we are being told.

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