
I Really Should Keep a Closer Eye on the Suit-y Stuff…

…otherwise, I’d have remembered that Tucows’ CEO Elliot Noss was doing a presentation today at the Red Chip Small-Cap Investor Conference, which takes place in New York City today and tomorrow. I did manage to catch the latter two-thirds of his presentaion (which was simulcast on the ‘net), in which he explained Tucows’ business and customer base as well as the challenges and opportunities in our industry.

For those of you with a little investing money burning a hole in their pockets, you might find this slide of interest:

Slide from Elliot Noss' presentation at the RedChip Small Cap Investor Conference in New York City, August 15, 2006.

Elliot’s a good presenter, and I’ve made a note to myself I should wrangle him to do a screencast of this presentation for posting in my work blog, Tucows Farm.

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