It Happened to Me

Back from Northern Ireland

It was a whirlwind trip — I landed in Belfast International Airport at about 9:00 a.m. local time on Tuesday and departed on Thursday at 11:40 a.m., but I do make it a point not to miss big family events like weddings or opportunities for travel to countries I’ve never been to.

Here are the first two photos I’ve ever shot in Northern Ireland. The first is the view looking out onto the North Channel from Coast Road in Balleygally, about 45 kilometres (30-ish miles) north of Belfast:

The Irish Sea, as seen from Coast Road in Balleygally, Northern Ireland.

(For the geographically curious, this map will give you an idea of the relative locations of Belfast and Balleygally.)

The photo above was taken immediately across the street from where I stayed, the Ballygally Castle Hotel. It’s a three-star hotel, and it came by those three stars honestly:

Ballygally Castle Hotel, Ballygally, Northern Ireland.

More postings about the trip, including the continuation of my travel diary, will follow.

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