
Are You On His List?

Speaking as a money-loving porno freak Roman Catholic drunkard, I’m offended:

For more crazy signs, see this entry.

(Thanks to dreamattack and Miss Fipi Lele for the photo!)

14 replies on “Are You On His List?”

According to the person who took the photo, the “flashing” was posed, but the guy with the sign is the genuine nutbox article.

Uh. Well, first of all, yes, I’m on the list, at least as I see it, though not terribly explicitly. But it’s weird that he is warning Muslims, Buddhists, etc…and RACISTS.

My guess is that racists run afoul of 1 John 4:20:

If anyone says, “I love God,” yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen.

I’m on there three times (it would have been four but for some reason he only singles out lazy Christians).

Redhead: Playing Devil’s advocate, so to speak, I don’t see that there’s necessarily a contradiction in condemning racists along with Muslims and Buddhists. I suppose that might not be your point.

Especially since Islam and Buddhism are not “races”, any more than any other religion is.

I join him in his condemnation of the baby killing women. Somebody really should find that baby and stop him!

As was said, not the point. You don’t see that as insane? And think Hitler when you say a religion is not a race – you may see that a religion is not a race, but he didn’t.

I think we’re treading awfully close to Godwin’s Law here… are you saying that one cannot dislike the tenets of a religion (like say Christianity, or hey, Scientology) without also — concurrently — being a racist?

What’s your beef with racists being “judged by God” as in the sign?

Oh good grief. First off, I don’t believe in the whole judgement day thing AT ALL. So really, I just think the guy is deluded. Plus, he doesn’t merely dislike the tenets of a religion. He is warning the PEOPLE, not the religion. Muslims, not Islam.

To be fair I was just yanking your chain a little in my last comment. There is no question that the nutbar is being an insensitive clown. I think we can agree on that. But I do not equate religions with skin pigments; in this city alone you can easily find Asian Christians, Caucasian Muslims and Indian Jews. I read his inclusion of Muslims as “people who believe and practice the tenets of the Islamic faith”, not “Those dark-skinned fellas over there, somewhere”. It’s targeted at members of other faiths / creeds (i.e. more broadly as “Christ-rejecters” also mentioned in the sign) regardless of their skin pigmentation or country of residence.

I think the nutball’s placement of other non-Christ-centred religions on the placard is entirely in line with at least one truth-claim of Christianity (i.e. people who do not accept Christ do not go to heaven). It would also be entirely consistent with the truth-claims of Islam for a Muslim to placard “Christians will not see Paradise”, and for Jews to put on their placards “Christians follow a false Messiah”.

It is of course not at all polite to say these things to random strangers; but that is what it all boils down to. Religions do not ecumenically share base principles or exclusive truth-claims in their own estimation. Everybody has a shot at a glorious whatever but only the people who accept and live by the religion’s precepts get whatever reward is being offered. That is the nature of religions.

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