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Are You On His List?

Speaking as a money-loving porno freak Roman Catholic drunkard, I’m offended:

For more crazy signs, see this entry.

(Thanks to dreamattack and Miss Fipi Lele for the photo!)

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Joey deVilla

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  • According to the person who took the photo, the "flashing" was posed, but the guy with the sign is the genuine nutbox article.

  • Uh. Well, first of all, yes, I'm on the list, at least as I see it, though not terribly explicitly. But it's weird that he is warning Muslims, Buddhists, etc...and RACISTS.

  • My guess is that racists run afoul of 1 John 4:20:

    "If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen."

  • I'm on there three times (it would have been four but for some reason he only singles out lazy Christians).

    Redhead: Playing Devil's advocate, so to speak, I don't see that there's necessarily a contradiction in condemning racists along with Muslims and Buddhists. I suppose that might not be your point.

  • I join him in his condemnation of the baby killing women. Somebody really should find that baby and stop him!

  • As was said, not the point. You don't see that as insane? And think Hitler when you say a religion is not a race - you may see that a religion is not a race, but he didn't.

  • I think we're treading awfully close to Godwin's Law here... are you saying that one cannot dislike the tenets of a religion (like say Christianity, or hey, Scientology) without also -- concurrently -- being a racist?

    What's your beef with racists being "judged by God" as in the sign?

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