If you like tech news, you’ll love Global Nerdy:
- Tired: Mile-High Club. Wired: WiFi Club.: A link to the list of airlines that offer internet connectivity on their planes.
- Jason Calacanis Swiped Our 5-Step Plan for Becoming an A-Lister!: That rat-bastard keeps stealing our ideas!
- Scoble: Zune Isn’t the Next Wonder Glove Monkey
- Vox: MySpace for the Literate: “Privacy tools, pleasing aesthetics, and low-key advertising. Vox is like the anti-MySpace.”
- Feeling Ignored by Sony and Microsoft? Nintendo Loves You!: Nintendo knows where the challenge lies: it’s not in taking on Microsoft or Sony, but the market that those two ignore.
- Who Are You, and What Are You Doing Here?: Well before the web, advertising have always asked: Are the right people reading my ads? Are they responding?