Yesterday — Sunday, November 5th, 2006 — I turned the ripe old age of 39. We celebrated at a dinner party at Mom’s house along with my cousin Saturnino Carlos Faustino Ador Dionisio III, whose birthday falls on November 4th. Last week, Mom asked me what I’d like on the menu, and I asked for “Filipino comfort food”. I feasted on sinigang, chicken and pork adobo, pancit, vegetables and rice; this was followed by chocolate truffle and caramel latte cakes. Thanks, mom!
The night before, we had a party at our place with about 30 guests, a lot of booze, Swedish meatballs, some nice cakes. some very nice cheese and our homemade ice cream (our flavours: mint chocolate chip, vanilla, cookies and cream and mango sorbet). Lisa Goldman won this year’s “Phineas Fogg” award for the being the person who travelled the longest distance to come to the party; she’s visiting from Tel Aviv. My thanks to all those who came!
People keep asking me if I have any thoughts as I enter the last year of my thirties. I’d have to say that what I came up with at the age of 19 still holds true. Back then, my pal Henry Dziarmaga and I, having consumed too many zombies and read Space-Time and Beyond decided that in the infinite number of parallel universes, there must be one in which our lives arebeing watched as television shows. We must therefore live to keep the ratings up.
9 replies on “Happy 39th Birthday to Me”
Happy (belated) birthday, Joey.
Happy Belated Birthday!
But hey, with your (uh hum) advanced age now, you should watch the “feasting” and “boozing.”
Happy birthday, Joey!
Well then, happy, happy to you!
39 eh, Joey! Well, happy birthday to you, keep yourself busy and young and enjoy life to its fullest.
About keeping the ratings up: the science-fiction TV show Lexx had an episode entitled “Lafftrak”, where visitors to an amusement planet find themselves taking part in TV shows. The shows are rated by a roomful of people who consist only of heads. If your ratings drop too far, well, your show gets cancelled, your head gets severed from your body and it joins the audience.
Yes, keep those ratings up – just in case.
Congratulations young feller .Of course you know that once the big four oh rolls around next year its straight down hill to the bone yard. :))
Sorry I missed your partay, hope it was a blast, I’m sure it ended with everyone passing around the Bengay.
Happy, happy, happy b-day!!!
-Amber Mac