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The Best Comment and Photo on Last Night’s U.S. Midterm Elections…

The best comment on last night’s U.S. midterm elections comes from Jonah Goldberg of the National Review:

I for one welcome our new Democratic overlords. I’d like to remind them that as a trusted rightwing personality, I can be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underground sugar caves.

As for the best photo from last night’s elections, it’s of Reprehensible Rick Santorum and family at his concession speech. He clearly forgot to give the wife and kids the “let’s all keep a stiff upper lip” talk:

5 replies on “The Best Comment and Photo on Last Night’s U.S. Midterm Elections…”

I do feel sorry for the little girl. I mean, think how much it must suck to have such a loser for a dad . . . and then to have everybody say that they think he’s a loser too. And now he’s going to be home more. I’d be crying.

I dig the way her dress, headband, and even her doll are all in the same fabric, though.

That’s brilliant, Hamish! I think we should make that the official pouty-face of the entire Republican Party.

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