Categories: It Happened to Me

New Year’s Resolutions

It’s traditional to list one’s New Year’s resolutions, so here are some off the top of my head…

  • Lower my cholesterol. No need for the Lipitor yet — my doctor says it’s a little high, but not so high that it can’t be fixed with some changes to diet and exercise.
  • Get back into the shape I was in in 2002. Being single and working at home were great for my gym schedule. I was eating pretty low-carb and working out nearly daily. The gym was also a social thing — in addition to the weights and exercise machines, I joined and became a regular at a couple of classes — BodyAttack and BodyPump — that I don’t think I’d be able to complete at the moment. I’d like to get back to that point because I felt good, and damn, did I look it, too.
  • Defeat “Cletus” in Dead Rising. I need to defeat him so I can get the guns so I can give them to the Japanese tourists so they can help me defeat the chainsaw-hurling clown. Is that so much to ask?
  • Go on a vacation with Wendy. We haven’t had the chance for a real vacation since we’ve been married; it’s about time. We’ve got a couple of days in San Francisco and the Bay Area in February, and I’d like to squeeze a trip to Montreal in the summer.
  • Get more accordion practice! My repertoire’s pretty stale, and so is my playing. Maybe I should expand this to just keyboard-playing practice in general — I’ve had my eye on a USB MIDI keyboard that can plug into my Mac. That, combined with GarageBand would give me a rig ten times better than all my old synthesizers combined.
  • Re-jig my savings and investments. I’m doing all right, but I think I get can more bang out of my investment and savings bucks.
  • Sharpen my programming skills. It’s been a while since I wrote software full-time, and it never hurts to keep those valuable skills sharp. I think I’ll concentrate on Ruby on Rails, although I could stand to do some PHP brushing-up too.
  • Work on one serious software development project. Actually, I’m already doing that…
  • Make a serious contribution to the Toronto tech community. I’m also already working on that, too…
  • Clear out my junk. There’s a lot of stuff that I no longer use that’s just taking up space at my place or in storage. It’s time to sort through my belongings and sell, give away, recycle or trash anything that is no longer useful to me.
  • Get back in touch with some friends. It happens over time — you lose contact with people. There are folks (Hey, Kevin! Hi, Heather!) to whom I owe email, phone calls or visits.

I’m sure I can come up with more once I think about it.

What are your resolutions?

Joey deVilla

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