Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Save the Date: Sunday, February 4th

Hacking Toronto: Making a Better City

Last Sunday, I attended a meeting held in the Gladstone Hotel’s Melody Bar in which 20 or so people from the Accordion City technology, marketing, arts and media communities got together to discuss putting together a BarCamp-like workshop in which people could discuss the both possible improvements to the TTC website and the overall TTC experience. The intended result of this one-day brainstorming workshop would be a report that could be presented to the powers that be at the TTC, to which we believe we have access. We also hope that the event will inspire people to take on similar civic-minded projects focused on the TTC and beyond.

TTC (Toronto Transit Commission) logo.

I’m going to leave it to Mark “Remarkk!” Kuznicki to make the announcment (which he’ll make soon), but for now, keep Sunday, February 4th open in your calendar.

3 replies on “Save the Date: Sunday, February 4th”

I’m no jock — and don’t give a toss about sports — but even I know that’s Superbowl Sunday. I trust they’ll remember that when they pick a time.

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