That’s right, I’ve got even more books for sale. This set is a mish-mash of computer books — some are mine, some are from a company for whom I worked in 2002 that went under. As with the other books for sale I mentioned today, all are going for $5 each. I’d rather they went to a good home than the recycler.
Want any of ’em? Email me at
Python Essential Reference, Second Edition by David M. Beazley [Paperback][New Riders 2001]
Beginning PHP 4 by Wankyu Choi et. al. [Paperback][Wrox 2000]
Professional PHP Programming by Jesus Castagnetto et. al. [Paperback][Wrox 1999]
Instant SQL programming by Joe Celko [Paperback][Wrox 1995]
Wireless Web Development with PHP and WAP and Ray Rischpater [Paperback][Apress 2001]
JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition by David Flanagan [Paperback][O’Reilly 2002]
Palm Database Programming: The Complete Developer’s Guide by Eric Giguere [Paperback][Wiley 1999]
Palm OS Programming from the Ground Up by Robert Mykland [Paperback][Osborne 2000]
Programming Web Services with XML-RPC by Simon St. Laurent et. al. [Paperback][O’Reilly 2001]
Rapid Application Development with Mozilla by Nigel McFarlane [Paperback][Prentice-Hall 2004]
C# Design Patterns: A Tutorial by James W. Cooper [Paperback][Addison-Wesley 2003]
Microsoft ADO.NET by David Sceppa [Hardcover][Microsoft 2002]
Programming C# by Jesse Liberty (here’s the Amazon link to the latest edition) [Paperback][O’Reilly 2001]
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