
To Serve and Protect, or To Whiten Teeth and Freshen Breath?

I have to say that while I appreciate the intent of the proposed redesign for Accordion City’s police cars, I hate the look. It looks more like the car for the promo team for a new flavour of Crest toothpaste, not the preservers of law and order:

Proposed new design for Toronto police cars.

Seriously, if this becomes the official look of the local cop cars, I will go into crime simply to distance myself from this design as much as possible. Not just ordinary crime, either, but Lex Luthor/Doctor Doom supervillain crime.

I much prefer the proposed redesign for the Ontario Provincial Police cars, which not only say “serious police business”, but “Hey, it’s the Blues Brothers!” as well:

Proposed new design for Ontario Provincial Police cars.

[via BlogTO]

3 replies on “To Serve and Protect, or To Whiten Teeth and Freshen Breath?”

They recently changed the majority of my city’s police cars to all white so there’s nothing that really identifies them as the police. I called them once because I saw someone smash in a window on a building, but because I was cold, I decided that I would wait for them inside. Needless to say I didn’t see them arrive and didn’t know they were there until they called me back annoyed that I hadn’t noticed them.

But isn’t not noticing them the whole point of not writing POLICE anywhere on the car?

I thought the OPP cars were like that before. And I liked the police cars when they were yellow like Yellow Cabs. What was wrong with those?

It reminds me of the TTC uniforms where they used to be all grey, then they changed them to a browny colour, now to change them back to all grey. The point being?

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