E-ZPass is an electronic highway toll collection system that’s used in the northeastern United States, including Wendy’s home town of Boston. With an E-ZPass transponder in your car, you don’t have to bring you car to a stop and fumble for change to pay your toll; you simply slow down enough to safely pass the toll gate, where a sensor scans your transponder and makes the appropriate debit to your account.
If you’ve ever seen two people pursue the last cookie on the plate, the last seat on the train or the last available-looking single at the bar, you know what kind of disastrous hilarity can result. Here’s what happens when two determined E-ZPass users in a hurry race to the be the first through an E-ZPass-equipped toll gate, with mercy neither asked for nor given:
“Don’t worry, dude, that’ll buff right right out…”
Here’s a look from the other side:
“If I weren’t trapped in my car, I would totally kick your ass.”
Can anyone tell — perhaps from the license plate colour scheme and surrounding buildings — where this is? The license plates look like New York ones, but if the drivers truly were from that area (or perhaps “Joisey”), they’d have rolled down their windows and started a shouting or pummeling match.
[Photos courtesy of Miss Fipi Lele]
6 replies on “Not-So-E-ZPass”
Looks like New York from the plate design
The license plates are undoubtedly New York, but the tool booth looks like the Jersey Turnpike.
From the damage on the Nissan it looks like he plowed into the guy from behind. The rear tail light on the Honda is trashed too. I’m guessing buddy in the Honda didn’t have an EZ PAss transponder and slammed on the brakes and the guy in the Nissan was following a bit too close.
GWB, baby!
Those are in fact New York License plates and those where the toll booths going south on the 190 into Buffalo. The booths were tore down a few years ago not too long after that accident.
I can tell you its New York, and on the 190 expressway in buffalo. I can even pull the original photo and tell you the plate numbers. Yes my photo is that clear. Can you guess why? Cause I got them from the source.