
Geek Blast from the Past (Or: My Notes from University, circa 1992)

While doing some spring cleaning last night, I found my notes from my Networking class, which I took at Crazy Go Nuts University, waaaay back in the fall of 1992.

My notes from my Networking Class at Queen's University from fall 1992.

Remember, kids: if you want someone to take notes at an event or lecture, you want me to do it.

7 replies on “Geek Blast from the Past (Or: My Notes from University, circa 1992)”

Multicolored! I’m impressed! If I ever found my college notes, I doubt that they’d even be legible, much less readable.

you had to rewrite those notes at a later time. Or your professor talked rrrrrrrrrrreally slowly. Or you knew what the professor was talking about so you could organize the notes appropriately. Or the professor made it clear ahead of time exactly what topics he was going to cover in detail. The dynamics of taking classroom notes are such that you often don’t have time to switch pens, let alone writing cleanly in all caps. It just doesn’t work that way. I bet you rewrote the notes afterwards.

Those are notes for an open-book exam. But I promise that notes I take during a lecture are still quite legible.

Whoa. I took this same class just a few years later (1995 maybe? at Queens). But my notes were not so nice.

I like the comic book lettering in the separate boxes.

I’d like to see the original lecture notes. That’s the true test of note taking skills.

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