
If Those Ads for “Sea Monkeys” Told the Truth

An old 'Sea Monkeys' ad Photoshopped to tell the truth.
Image courtesy of Miss Fipi Lele.

3 replies on “If Those Ads for “Sea Monkeys” Told the Truth”

These Sea Monkeys were a hit in Argentina in the 70’s. They were sold by the hundreds a day, using the same graphics in the envelope that contained the eggs (Artemia Salina, a.k.a. mosquito eggs). Accesories like the castle behind were sold, too. A big glass, transparent bowl was in display in stores with a huge magnifier in the front to check out the ‘truth’ with your own eyes, and man, you *really* could see them, even if they were fake all the way! (hey, I myself saw exactly what the graphics showed then). Those were the times. 🙂

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