
Shiny New Domain, Same Crappy Accordion-Playing Egomaniac Nerd Blog

In case you haven’t been looking at the address bar on your browser, this blog isn’t located at anymore (although that address will work for a few months). From now on, the official URL for The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century is:

What better and more graphic way could I illustrate the change than by using now-and-then images of the Governator himself, Mister Arnold Schwarzenegger?

Arnold Schwarzenegger points out that is the old URL and is the new one.

2 replies on “Shiny New Domain, Same Crappy Accordion-Playing Egomaniac Nerd Blog”

Well, the domain might be shiny, but it seems the content remains the same! While the blogger might be an egomaniac, their passion for accordion-playing and nerdy subjects shines through. Whether you love it or find it quirky, this blog’s unique personality is undeniably memorable. Keep playing that accordion and embracing your nerdy side!

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