
Questionable Branding of the Day, Part 2: NASCAR Romance Novels

That’s right: NASCAR romance novels…

Display featuring NASCAR romance novels.
Click the photo to see an page with lots of Nascar romance novels.

5 replies on “Questionable Branding of the Day, Part 2: NASCAR Romance Novels”

coincidence only, no doubt, that they’re placed next to the antacids.

“Skip moved his thick, oil-stained hand from the exhaust manifold to fondly caress the Miller Lite badge on Kirsten’s one-piece jumper. ‘Ughh, pitstop awaits,’ he exhaled. The curvaceous junior gas-caddy wiggled.”

omg, joey! these are effing AWESOME! I need one for my fromage collection!

BTW, those novels are published by Accordion City’s own TorStar corporation.

Oh, that I know! In fact, I’ve set foot inside the Harlequin offices here in Accordion City, back when I paid a client visit in 2000. Yup, they were exploring the possibilities of peer-to-peer and relevance-based search for their target demographic.

I was disappointed that they didn’t have more cardboard cutouts of Fabio in the office.

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