Accordion, Instrument of the Gods It Happened to Me

Portland’s "Jesus is Lord" Neon Sign

John Philip Green, Pete Forde and I went out one night in Portland to check out Ground Kontrol, an place that’s both bar and arcade devoted to 80’s pinball and video games (I wrote a little bit about the arcade in Global Nerdy). Along the way, we passed by a glowing red neon sign that proclaimed “Jesus is Lord” and couldn’t resist posing beneath it. You know, just in case The Rapture happened that night, or perhaps we might get discovered as supermodels. You never know.

We took the Max, Portland’s light rail system, from the convention center to the stop at Skidmore Fountain. The place’s name is so spot on that it’s downright Dickensian:

'Residence-free individuals' at Portland's Skidmore Fountain light rail stop.
The light rail stop at Skidmore Fountain, Portland, Oregon.

Here’s John, posing underneath the sign. Jesus, please send him some venture capital!

John Philip Green poses beneath a 'Jesus is Lord' neon sign in Portland.
John looks like he believes. Testify!

Pete struck a good pose:

Pete Forde poses beneath a 'Jesus is Lord' neon sign in Portland.
Pete: “Dear Jesus, please give me a brand new drum kit…”

And here I am. Yea, though I walk through the valley of darkness, I have no fear, for I have a big honkin’ accordion:

Joey deVilla poses beneath a 'Jesus is Lord' neon sign in Portland.
Me: “Yay-us! The power of the accordion compels you!”

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