
23 Ways to Hack Your Work

Hands holding up handwritten sign: “Too busy to be creative — it sucks!”
Photo by Mary-Cakes / Desiree. Click to see it on its original Flickr page.

Over at the blog Dumb Little Man (whose slogan is “Tips for Life”), there’s an entry titled Hack Your Work: 23 Ways to Get Ahead, Work Less and Achieve More with some good ideas. Here’s the intro:

It’s something we’re all looking for — the perfect solution that will minimize our work life while still getting the stuff done that we need to get done. Well, that one solution doesn’t exist, but with a combination of strategies, you can get to where you want to be.

Now, none of these tips will turn your life around. But they can make a big difference, and when used together, your work life might just be enjoyable, productive, low-stress and high fun. And these tips won’t work for everyone. They’re not meant to be used as a step-by-step guide. It’s a list of strategies that work — choose your favorites and give them a try.

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