
Look Into His Eyes and Know Fear!

If I were an employer based in Chicago, I’d want Michael K. Brandow of Brady, Connolly and Masuda P.C. as my attorney in worker’s compensation cases. Just looking at the guy, I think the opposition would rather settle than even risk meeting him face-to-face in court…

Michael K. Brandow, the lawyer with the scariest eyes in the world
“Happy thoughts…keep thinking happy thoughts…”

One reply on “Look Into His Eyes and Know Fear!”

Strange. You think the guy looks frightening? Personally, I think the guy looks frightened. There is a definite “deer in the headlights” look about his eyes, and his expression gives that momentary flash of “oh, shoot, I’d hoped they wouldn’t ask about that line-item in my tax deductions.”

Which ironically leads into “Happy thoughts…keep thinking happy thoughts…” as a caption for the picture. Add to it: “I’m going to get my clock cleaned…keep thinking happy thoughts…”

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