Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

R.I.P. “Honest” Ed Mirvish

Ed Mirvish: 1914 - 2007

Accordion City lost one of its characters early this morning: “Honest” Ed Mirvish, supersalesman, shop-owner, theatre impresario and philanthropist died early this morning of natural causes. He was 92.

From the garish (but hey, I like it) lightshow of the Honest Ed’s discount store at Bloor and Bathurst to the shot in the arm he gave to theatre in this city to his funding of the arts to teaching staid old Toronto and its locals (myself included) about salesmanship and showmanship, he was one of those people that made this city a better place.

So long, and thanks for all the flash, Honest Ed.

“Honest” Ed Mirvish poses in front of Honest Ed’s

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One reply on “R.I.P. “Honest” Ed Mirvish”

a really vibrant and community-oriented Torontonian! also a fan of Honest Ed’s!! we just released a music video that pays tribute to the store- the style of the signpainting was especially featured in the imagery…we fell in love with it during the shoot

If you’re interested the video is on Vimeo at

we hope it captures the vibe of the store’s namesake!

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