In the News Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Alex is Missing, Part 2

Alexandra FlanaganHere’s the latest news item I could find on the case of Alexandra Flanagan, who’s been missing for over a month, courtesy of the Barrie Examiner:

Friends and family members of missing Barrie woman Alexandra Flanagan are leaving no stone unturned in their search to find their loved one. Most recently, they set up a booth at Kempenfest to get the word out to a mass audience about the fact she has still not been found.

“Still no activity with her bank accounts,” said long-time friend Darlene Pestill, who helped staff the booth over the weekend. “We’ve been organizing search efforts almost every day. We won’t stop our efforts until we find her.”

Pestill said many people stopped by the booth to ask questions about Flanagan, take an information flyer, or offer their support.

“One good thing is that some people who didn’t know about the fact she is missing, now do. Being here at Kempenfest has helped to get the word out even more,” she said.

Flanagan has been missing a month. She was last spoken to on July 7, and has had no contact with friends or family since.

Wendy Flanagan, the mother of the missing girl, said no solid tips came in at Kempenfest, despite the well-meaning efforts.

“We just want to find out one way or the other. I’m really at a total loss as to what has happened to her. We’ve got posters all over the place – somebody has to have seen her,” she said. “People need to know she has never done this before; it is totally out of character.”

She added that although it has been reported in the news that there were sightings of Flanagan in Toronto, none of the leads have yet panned out and she isn’t confident that the people who called in actually saw her daughter.

“Nobody who knows her personally has seen or heard from her. Absolutely nobody,” she said. “I’m no further ahead about where she is than I was a month ago when she first went missing.”

Police are continuing their investigation into the case.

For more details about what is known about Alex’s disappearance, see:

One reply on “Alex is Missing, Part 2”

I am a close friend of Alex. Your article made me smile, and cry– your meeting her in the way you described is so typical Alex. She was so bubbly, so out-going; “A real fire-cracker,” [as another friend described her] Her spirit, and her energy are infectious. You can’t help but adore her. Alex struggled for many years financially. To her credit tho, she’s never one to borrow money, nor take the aid of welfare — even tho on many occasions she has been more than qualified to receive it. She worked her little ass off for years, and unfortunately had little to show for her efforts. What she did have she shared willingly, often giving gifts of her own personal items, or something she had made herself. I cherish all of them, even giving my young daughter ‘hand-me-downs,’- this is just the way she is. Generous to a fault, and yet having never found her niche in this world, success eludes her. However, she rarely complains, and isn’t jaded despite the years of toiling to make rent, and maybe having enough to go out dancing Saturday night- a favorite thing for an evening out– she lights up a dance-floor and her true spirit shines. People would stand back and simply watch her twirling around, smiling & they would smile–she has that effect. An ‘impish pixie’ is the way my mother described her… my children refer to her as another ‘kid.’ I proudly call her my friend, she keeps me ‘real,’ makes me smile, and puts my life into perspective.
I miss you sweetie, come home soon, and wherever you are, I hope you’re still dancing

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