Categories: funny

T-Shirt Design of the Moment

Right now, my favourite T-shirt design over at Busted Tees is “Canada: America’s Hat”…

“Canada: America’s Hat” T-shirt“Canada: America’s Hat” T-shirt
Click the photo to see the web page for the shirt.

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Joey deVilla

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  • I think I would have liked it better if it'd said "Canada: America's toque", but the shape would have been wrong... and of course the meaning would have been lost on most Americans. :)

  • I must be one of the happy few - "Canada: America's Toque" makes me laugh. Almost started singing "Great White North" theme song, but then I'd have to explain it to my husband.

    I wonder what this would make our neighbors further and further to the south?

    "Mexico: America's T-Shirt - From Our Sweatshop Maquiladora to Your Home"
    "Honduras y Nicaraugua: America's Muffintop"
    "Panama: America's Vanity-Sized Waistband"
    "Brazil: America's Big Booty in Too-Tight Jeans"

    Of course, this also means that we've got the world's biggest head (from sea to shining sea) but that's nothing new.

  • hey asshole thats insulting to all canadians including me! heres one for you:

    Canada's Underwear
    (its the shits)

  • Calm down, don't take it so personally, I'm Canadian, and it isn't offensive at all. The shape is way off, Canada is larger than the USA, make the hat 3 or 4 times larger and it would be proportional.

  • Yeah, I too found it funny when I first saw that t-shirt on Busted Tees as well (I'm Canadian). However, I recently visited a martini bar in Seattle where I heard a very drunk, very obnoxious American guy spout out that phrase and I can tell you, all humour was lost at that point. Unfortunately, some dumb Americans (and Canadian) get a hold of funny slogans/phrases and ruin it for everyone else.

    Man that guy was offensive, your stereotypical asshole American. I wanted to punch him . . . fortunately my American friends told me that they too found him revolting and calmed me down.

    "America: The World's Retard"

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