Major General (Retired) Charles Calvin Rogers was the highest-ranking African-American to receive the Medal of…
Another Sunday, another “picdump!” Here are 200+ memes, pictures, and cartoons floating around the internet…
A Swedish TV program labelled Vladimir Putin as “President USA.” My thoughts on this:
[ The original version of this article is incorrect, so I’m substituting its content with…
A reminder: kakistocracy means “a state or society governed by its least suitable or competent…
Le Figaro, a daily newspaper in France that’s been around since 1826, has published an…
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I think I would have liked it better if it'd said "Canada: America's toque", but the shape would have been wrong... and of course the meaning would have been lost on most Americans. :)
I must be one of the happy few - "Canada: America's Toque" makes me laugh. Almost started singing "Great White North" theme song, but then I'd have to explain it to my husband.
I wonder what this would make our neighbors further and further to the south?
"Mexico: America's T-Shirt - From Our Sweatshop Maquiladora to Your Home"
"Honduras y Nicaraugua: America's Muffintop"
"Panama: America's Vanity-Sized Waistband"
"Brazil: America's Big Booty in Too-Tight Jeans"
Of course, this also means that we've got the world's biggest head (from sea to shining sea) but that's nothing new.
If I buy the shirt, does it come with the girl?
OMG Ginny, those are AWESOME. Start designing the shirts now!
hey asshole thats insulting to all canadians including me! heres one for you:
Canada's Underwear
(its the shits)
@jim: Relax, dude! I'm Canadian...and I find the t-shirt funny.
Calm down, don't take it so personally, I'm Canadian, and it isn't offensive at all. The shape is way off, Canada is larger than the USA, make the hat 3 or 4 times larger and it would be proportional.
Yeah, I too found it funny when I first saw that t-shirt on Busted Tees as well (I'm Canadian). However, I recently visited a martini bar in Seattle where I heard a very drunk, very obnoxious American guy spout out that phrase and I can tell you, all humour was lost at that point. Unfortunately, some dumb Americans (and Canadian) get a hold of funny slogans/phrases and ruin it for everyone else.
Man that guy was offensive, your stereotypical asshole American. I wanted to punch him . . . fortunately my American friends told me that they too found him revolting and calmed me down.
"America: The World's Retard"