Categories: Music

T.S. Eliot vs. Portishead

Here’s an interesting idea: someone took a recording of T.S. Eliot reading The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock and added the vamp from Portishead’s Sour Times — which you couldn’t escape back in 1995 — as background music. It’s not bad, but I think it would work better if more variety could’ve been worked into the music (this sounds like a job for Boston-based mash-up wizard Luke “Lenlow” Enlow!).

For those of you with the gear and talent — Karl Mohr, I’m lookin’ at you — here’s a link to Eliot reading Prufrock sans music [3.9 MB MP3 file]. Culture jammers might have some fun subverting the whole thing by mixing in Yakety Sax (the theme to the Benny Hill Show) as the background tune.

(Found via MetaFilter.)

Joey deVilla

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