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“No, George, Your OTHER Right Hand…”

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Joey deVilla

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  • My first thought though is he left handed? I know his father was, I am and it's the first thing that came to mind.

  • @Thomas: According to Infoplease's Left-Handed Presidents page, George W. Bush is the first right-handed president since Jimmy Carter. The southpaw Presidents are: James Garfield, Herbert Hoover, Harry Truman, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton.

  • Whose bright idea was it to have the APEC bigwigs all dress in identical overcoats and wave like they're Soviet-era Great-Leader-Hails-a-Cab statuary.

    It's like they deliberately set out to impersonate this statue of Kim Il-Sung — and succeeded.

  • @Chris Taylor: One could argue that the group wave was modelled after the Beverley Hillbillies waving goodbye as the end credits rolled.

  • I guess this is the time to fess up that I've never watched an episode of the Beverly Hillbillies. Not sure if that should make me proud or ashamed. =)

  • Thanks for the find Joey. It was my first thought, I had looked online but hadn't found anything about if he was right handed and didn't come across that page.

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