Here’s a set of amusing photos about danger at work that I found thanks to my friend, Miss Fipi Lele. Click on them to see the set at full size and better quality:
It’s Sunday, which means it’s time for another “picdump!” Here are 113 memes, pictures, and…
It’s the first Sunday of 2025, so it’s time for the first “picdump” of 2025!…
For the past eight years, my sister, Eileen de Villa has been Toronto’s Medical Officer…
It’s New year’s Eve, and in celebration, here’s a mini-picdump of NYE-themed memes! If you…
Since it’s Sunday, it’s time for me to post the memes, pictures, and cartoons floating…
How did I not know about the Joe Pesci Home Alone yule log stream until now?…
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This weekend I saw the most awful workplace safety TV PSA ever. A pretty young chef talks about her upcoming wedding, and then spills ten gallons of boiling water on her face.
Maybe the producers could go back to the drawing board and think about using humour like the pics above, rather than shock and disgust, to raise awareness.
Here's the PSA Brian is referring to:
I prefer these to the gruesome WS&IB TV and print ads already mentioned.
darryl, that's actually a "remix" of the ad, with a weird bit of music added to the end. Here's the original:
Thanks John, but I think this is the original version:
And in case you tech guys think you're safe from workplace hazards, think again: