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Well Put, McFly.

The current issue of Esquire features a cool “What I’ve Learned” interview with Alex P. Keaton/Marty McFly himself, Michael J. Fox.

A couple of excerpts:

  • People said, “Does it bother you that girls want to sleep with you because you’re famous?” “That’s a tough one. Lemme think about that. No.
  • My happiness grows in direct proportion to my acceptance, and in inverse proportion to my expectations.
  • The thing with Limbaugh was so interesting. I didn’t even have to say anything. People said to me, “Don’t ya hate the guy?” I was like, “I can’t get it up to hate the guy.” I know it’s a racket, I know it’s a job — it’s show business, and that’s fine. Let’s take it as show business.
  • If you don’t have someone calling you on your shit, you’re lost.
Joey deVilla

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