
That’s Because Chicks Dig Carpenters

Here’s a sign that was outside a church on Dowling Avenue in north Minneapolis:

Church sign: “Jesus built a bridge with two broads and three nails”Click the photo to see the original article.
Photo courtesy of The Daily Mole.

Remember: it helps to have another pair of eyes review your work.

Chicks Dig Damien

Jesus’ diametrically-opposed counterpart was also a hit with the ladies. The scene from Damien: Omen II at the military academy graduation ball where Damien has a fine girl on each arm stood out in my mind when I was a teenager. Hell, it stands out in my mind now!

Still from “Omen II”: Damien in uniform, with a comely lass on each arm.
Click to see the YouTube video. You’ll see this scene at about 1:50.

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