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“Enfranchised Mind’s” Tips on How to Be Happy

I seem to be on a “How-to” list kick today. While I’m at it, here’s another one, this time from the blog Enfranchised Mind: Let Me Save You $40: Here’s How to Be Happy. In this introduction for this article, Robert Fischer writes:

I was over at my father-in-law’s birthday party, and I saw that he had HAPPINESS NOW!: Timeless Wisdom for Feeling Good FAST (capitalization theirs) sitting out next to his bed. It’s apparently even been featured by Oprah. Blargh.

Forget buying that book. I’m here for the real deal: I’ll tell you how to be happy. And it won’t even cost you $40.

Here’s the condensed version of the list — to see the list points with full descriptions, go read the article:

  1. Stop being a dick.
  2. Stop whining.
  3. Get out, get some exercise, unplug and deal with real people.
  4. If people are treating you like crap, then let them go.
  5. Your critics are always right.
  6. Do hard stuff for a change.
  7. Let stuff go / suck it up.
Joey deVilla

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