Weird ads for a product called “Obay” have been popping up all over Accordion City for the past week:
Click the photo to see it on its Flickr page.
It’s obvious that the product doesn’t actually exist and that it’s some sort of viral marketing campaign. As for what the campaign is meant to promote, most people with whom I’ve spoken to about the ads think that it’s some kind of jab at parents who are following the disturbing trend of medicating their teenage kids out of normal teenage behaviour and into Stepford adolescence.
One person on the TorCamp mailing list wrote that a colleague doing consulting work for a nearby college says that it’s an ad campaign for Ontario colleges.
I suppose we’ll find out soon enough.
Click the photo to see it on its source page.
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I saw one on the side of a bus the other day, and pretty much the whole way up Jane Street, I kept trying to keep beside that bus at red lights and such, so I could re-read the ad.
I could tell it was a parody, but I figured if I looked closely enough, I might be able to figure out what it was actually advertising. Nope. No idea.
It might be a new campaign from the United Church:
They've been popping up on streetcars, too. I saw one the other day that said "When Amy started thinking for herself, we had to nip it in the bud with Obay."
Haven't seen them but then I don't get out much. Where can I get me some of them thar stepford pills? I have a teenager.
They are ads for ontario colleges. they will soon becoming out with radio ads. basically its a message to parents to allow your kids to dream thier own dreams. and support them in the descision they make whether you argee with them or not.
that's pretty stupid, if nobody can understand it then y bother putting it out
There have been reports of ads in Montreal too...
Long time, :)
@Whistleblower: Hey there! Good to hear from you!
@Mike: The idea behind being mysterious is that they spark discussion, where a straight-forward ad probably wouldn't.
Ya there's one on my bus stop too.. dont get it :S