On our final night in Austin, the b5media crew had a barbecue at the b5 ranch with food supplied by The Salt Lick, widely regarded as one of the best barbecue places in the area. Here’s what their van brought us:
- Pork ribs
- Beef brisket
- kielbasa
- coleslaw
- beans
- potatoes
- peach cobbler
- blackberry cobbler
- pickles
- loads and loads of barbecue sauce
Darcie: What do you mean my margaritas are poisonously strong?
For drinks, we had a keg of beer on ice and Darcie’s poisonously strong margaritas, and Darren added to the dessert offerings with Tim Tams he brought all the way from Australia. Dinner was followed by a giant bonfire and some roughhousing around the pool (three victims claimed).
6 replies on “Austin Travel Diary, Part 19: The Salt Lick’s Delicious Barbecue”
It looks like a feast fit for several kings and queens. Those pork ribs look mighty tasty.
You’ve definitely convinced me to put Texas on my to visit list.
I used to live in Austin … all your updates this week have made me really miss it there.
Not suitable for vegetarians, boo.
Maria, how many Texan vegetarians do you know?
My favorite thing about the salt lick a few years back was their menu with “Chicken (when in season)” on it. WTF! When is chicken season? Is Chicken now a vegetable? Or is Chicken season when the truck driving down the road full of chickens takes the nearby corner a bit too fast?
Good times were had by all at the b5ranch. Nice photo of the fire! That was fun building and setting that sucker ablaze!