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An Andrew McCallum Update: Thumbs Up!

Andrew McCallumAndrew McCallumIn an earlier post, I wrote about Andrew McCallum’s accident and being in the hospital in serious condition. There were some good signs yesterday afternoon, as reported by his brother David:

Holy crap. According to the nurses, this morning, Andrew gave a squeeze and a thumbs up on command. Holy crap!

Andrew is apparently no longer in a regular coma (whatever “regular” is), but during this brief bout of consciousness he was struggling against the respirator and working himself up into a tizzy, and tizzies are bad for him at this stage. The staff sedated him and he’s now in an induced coma to allow him to rest and heal. I think he is in a lot of pain. I can only imagine what it must feel like to be inside his head right now.

Thank you very much to those who dropped CDs off. It turns out that he now needs low stimulation, but you can bet I’ll be playing those CDs when he’s ready for it.

Thumbs up!

Here’s a message from Andrew’s father:

Saturday, Andrew was in the deepest coma. Today he is not. He has been put into a drug-induced coma to give him rest, because when he isn’t resting he is fighting all the tubes in him. This is a good sign, like the thumbs up he gave the nurse on command this morning.

He is not out of the woods by any means. He needs you to continue whatever it is that you are doing that is washing him in healing light and energy.

Andrew’s friends are beyond amazing. We read your messages to him and they sustain us all. The nursing staff in ICU stop by to listen to your poems, your prayers, your mantras, your chants, news of your prayer circles. One said yesterday, “Andrew must be truly wonderful to have so many people love him so passionately.” The medical staff have been excellent and are to all patients, but I think that hearing your messages makes them go that extra yard for Andrew.

One call I received today told us about a dream this person had of Andrew touching his nose, toes and ears on command and of a floating, glowing golden balloon.

Keep it up. The love of Andrew’s community is powerful and growing and demonstrates a love for each other, a caring supportive community in a world about which we are tempted to be jaded. You prove the power of love.

A very old and dear Iraqi friend of mine called me from England saying that he and his daughter had just arrived back from Dubai in the past couple of days. On the flight back from Dubai, unaware that we were going through this ordeal, his daughter asked him, when were they going to visit the McCallums in Canada. She had met David and Jonathan but never Andrew. His observation about her premonition: “the heart knows, before the mind.”

What your hearts know about Andrew seems to be coming to pass. Make it so.

Get well soon, Andrew.

Joey deVilla

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