Globe and Mail: Transit Talks Described as Close to Boiling Point

According to a Globe and Mail written by Jeff Gray, my old editor at the Queen’s Journal, things aren’t looking good in the current labour negotiations with the TTC:

Talks between the Toronto Transit Commission and its largest union are about to reach a “boiling point,” one source says, as the union – which has promised the city 48 hours notice before it walks off the job – ponders holding a news conference tomorrow.

While sources on both sides said continuing talks at a Richmond Hill hotel have been less confrontational than the last round in 2005, union and management have been largely mum since Bob Kinnear, president of Local 113 of the Amalgamated Transit Union, gathered reporters last week to list demands but commit to continuing talks until as late as today.

Mr. Kinnear, who is at the bargaining table, was not available for comment yesterday. But sources said the union was contemplating holding another news conference tomorrow to provide an update, although as of late yesterday afternoon, no decision had been made. More talks were scheduled for today.

As Torontoist puts it, “It’s this kind of thing that makes you glad to have a powerful, decisive mayor around to intervene at a moment’s notice.” Alas, the mayor’s on a trade mission to China. So continues David Miller’s descent from well-meaning Bob Rae-like leader to mega-lame-o Michael Scott-like leader.

Joey deVilla

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  • I think Bob and Dave were sufficiently Scott-like from the start. One would have hoped the only place they could go was "up".

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