Here’s a photo I’ve been meaning to take for a while: it’s a poster of the “ionCleanse” treatment being offered at a chiropractor’s office not far from my house. The treatment is purported to remove toxins from the body through the feet:
I’d love to see this device in action. I want to know how it muddies up your foot bath to make it appear as if “toxins” are being excreted from your feet. I also want to know what the brown goop is. Clay? Paint? Nestle Quik?
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The murky waters don't sell me
Haha, that reminds me of this "intestine cleansing" product. Just makes me wonder what kind of crap they put into you to make this stuff come out.
Not everything is fake. I have actually had a couple of these and they do work and I have felt better after. No scam here. Usually sets you back anywhere from $40 - 60 bucks per session.
Seeing as I am currently suffering from acute gout, I am tempted to book myself an appointment and bring my camera.
This is totally why was created!
Apparently they sell the device for $3500! It *must* be good.
Alright, now I'm committed:
I think I read somewhere that the discoloration is rust.
@Guy on a cleanse: I happen to be the owner of a nice bridge in Brooklyn that I'm looking to sell for a very reasonable price that will make you the envy of all New Yorkers! If you can meet me at my office with a blank cheque and a copy of the key to your house, I can make this bridge yours this afternoon.
My mother in law's job is to take this device around and do this procedure for people. It's her entire business. And her clients (100 of them) swear by it.
I've never had it (as the idea of electricity shooting around my feet somehow seems... wrong), but my wife swears by it.
And, yeah, I've seen goop, parasites and even wormy things come out of people's feet.
I have to be honest, when I first saw that I thought "blades in the bottom, or what? Why is that guy's feet bleeding?"