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Why Didn’t Bilderberg Get More Coverage?

An overhead view of the Westfields Marriott Hotel in Chantilly, VA, where the Bilderberg Group met this weekend.
Photos courtesy of
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I generally take articles published at Prison Planet with a grain of salt, but they do make a point in their piece titled Castrated U.S. Media Remains Obediently Silent On Bilderberg.

If about 150 celebrities gathered in a secluded location for a weekend event with an exclusive guest list and Illuminati-grade security (say, some pop diva’s wedding or birthday party), how much time would the mainstream media devote to it? At least the weekend’s news cycle, plus some follow-up the week after.

However, when an equally-sized group of influential businesspeople and politicians have a similar meeting — The Bilderberg Group — it goes almost unreported. Odd, considering that what goes on at the Bilderberg Group is more likely to affect you than what happens at any celebrity wedding or birthday party.

(Here’s a Google News search on the term “Bilderberg”. It’s all small news sites, wackos like Canada Free Press and the political blog Wonkette.)

If you want to find out more about this year’s Bilderberg Group gathering, — the site devoted to finding out secrets — has some good stuff, including photos taken at the site (all exterior shots, of course). My favourite shots are of the rent-a-cops watching the place, whose expression probably conveys the way the people inside feel about the people outside:

Photos courtesy of
Click the photo to see more.

Also worth checking out is this round-up of Bilderberg happenings, which links to many things, including a report about a “secret” Obama-Clinton meeting and the fact that the guy in charge of picking Obama’s running mate is attending [wingnut alert: it’s a WorldNetDaily piece — have a grain of salt handy. Canada Free Press also covers it].

Joey deVilla

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  • Well, let's see. If I had an invite-only group promoting high-level American-European cooperation and understanding, and every time we met, wingnuts from every protest group under the sun showed up, vehemently opposed to stuff we werent actually doing (but in their fevered imagination they thought we might, if we conformed to Central Casting's notion of rich which guys with healthy heaping platefuls of megalomania)... then throwing the bird would pretty well be my reaction, too. Twice, at least.

  • Hey, the floor plan of that mansion...

    ...doesn't that look an awful lot like a Moominite?!

  • Who cares? It's not like Bono or Oprah showed up. It's not like Angelina had her baby there. It's not like Princes Harry and/or William had his first gay romp in the bushes during these meetings with the allegedly-heterosexual Mr. Thomas Cruise Mapother IV (also known as Call Sign 'Maverick' for us simpletons) . And Beckham & Posh, Britney or Lilo weren't anywhere close. As we all know, the world press tells us that nothing is important nor newsworthy unless one of these real movers & shakers showed up. At least, that's what they tell us in the front pages. And everything the media says is true. Right?

  • @Chris Taylor: Yeah, but those guys flipping the bird aren't part of the Bilderberg Club, they're security. That's just Blackwater-dickery.

  • I would have shouted unimaginable insults at the guys flipping off the camera and dared them to exit their vehicles and confront me.

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