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“I’m Voting Republican”

There’s an amusing video over at titled (natch) I’m Voting Republican. Click the image below to watch the video:

Among the reasons the people in the video are voting Republican in the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election are:

  • “Because we don’t like shopping at small neighbourhood stores…and we just love cheap plastic crap from China.”
  • “I don’t really want a cure for AIDS or breast cancer…they’re just gays and women.”
  • “I think new drugs should be made available immediately, whether they’ve been tested properly or not. If the major pharmaceutical companies’ bottom lines are healthy, then I feel healthy too.”
  • So my little Caitlyn can share a classroom with 30 other children.
  • “Because women just can’t be trusted to make decisions about their own bodies. Never, ever, ever!”
  • “Because I need to be told who I can love.”
  • “I just need them to tell me how just I can show a lifetime commitment.”
  • “Because corporations should not have to pay to clean up environmental damage.”
  • “Because I don’t want to know if the food I’m eating has been genetically modified or exposed to radiation…if the label says ‘food’, that’s good enough for me!”
  • “Because I really enjoy being screwed by the utility companies.”
  • “We need more minorities in prison.”
  • “I just don’t feel I deserve health insurance.”
  • “Because Texas needs more billionaires.”
  • “Because sometimes the Constitution is just one big inconvenient headache.”
  • “I think the world should be run by one big corporation. It think it’d be so much cosier!”
  • “Because all other countries are inferior to us! And we should start as many wars as we need to keep it that way.”
  • “[Soldier] So I can stay in Iraq.”
  • “[Kid with toy gun] So I can go to Iran!”

Be advised that there’s a good chance that the Democrats will deliver a diluted version of these items, but I’m a “pick the lesser of two evils” kind of guy, anyway.

I expect there’ll be comments for this one, so fire away!

Joey deVilla

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  • Hey Joey, let me be the first to ask--are Canadian politics really that boring?

    I really like the video but, as a Democrat, I'm always worried about these kinds of videos cuz they frequently seem to have a certain "smug" overtone to them. I understand the message, but there's just something about the way it's said.

    Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if everybody didn't look so serious.

  • Well, it's not that Canadian politics are boring so much as American politics being rather interesting right now.

    Besides, most of my readership is American (see the screenshots from StatCounter below), and it never hurts to cover your audience's interests on a regular basis.

  • Hello,
    Thanks for posting our video " I'm Voting Republican" and getting the word out to get informed and vote !! Keep up the good work !!
    - Jason J. Baker (Rev. David Madison) & All of SyntheticHuman Pictures

    P.S. Check out our website for more information & where to register to vote in your area.

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