(Today’s been a rather tech-heavy day here at The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century, but I promise that the regular stories will keep coming, such as this one…)
You might recall the story of Brad Jayakody, the guy who wasn’t allowed to board his flight at London’s Heathrow airport because it had a picture of the Transformer robot “Megatron”, who appeared to be holding a gun (In fact, Megatron turns into a gun). He was declared a security risk because of his T-shirt:
Brad Jayakody and the T-shirt image that got him in trouble with Heathrow airport security.
If there are T-shirts that will get you stopped by airport security, could there be T-shirts that would let you breeze past them with nothing but a wave? I think the guy pictured below in line at the airport in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, has the answer:
Taken this week in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Photo courtesy of Miss Fipi Lele.
Stay classy, Fort Lauderdale! No wonder FARK.com has a whole category devoted to Florida alone.
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s/Megatron/Optimus Prime/g