
Even More Notes from Search Engine Strategies 2008 Toronto

I’ve posted more notes from the Search Engine Strategies 2008 Toronto conference over at my technical blog, Global Nerdy:

Searcher Moms: Microsoft researcher Pavan Li talked about her research of the search behaviour of mothers, an important demographic not just ’cause they’re moms, but because they have the magic combination of education, buying power and being the primary purchasers of goods for the family.

The Golden Triangle: Enquiro Research’s Gord Hotchkiss talks about some new discoveries related to “The Golden Triangle”, the most valuable piece of real estate on any search engine’s results page.

Joey deVilla

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  • I dunno, I have education, buying power and I'm the primary purchaser for my household, and we're not skimpy with our purchases (Ok, tha "we're" should have been an "I'm"), and I'm not a mom. They should study my demographic. I bet I have more disposable income since I don't have to use it on kids. They should probably try to get me an my kind as their target market.

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