I think I’ll just post this one without comment:
Photo taken by scarlett_1975 and found via UFailPix.
Click the photo to see the original.
Update: Thanks to Kim Scarborough for pointing out who took the photo!
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That's rather near sighted. Maybe he should stop and think about what life might be like without free thinkers, but that would of course, require thinking.
I feel the chains right now...
Original is here.
I hope that church's (whoever put that stupid phrase up) starts to think freely. Idiots.
Man is sinful from birth. If left to our own devices, without Christ, we are a slave to sin or as the billboard announces a "slave to Satan." By "free thinker," the Pastor is presumably referring to someone who is not guided by scripture or the Holy Spirit, but instead considers himself an autonomous free agent and is left in their sin.
This makes sense from a Christian theological perspective, but no doubt seems foolish to non-Christians.
the pastor should have encluded more detail to this billboard before putting his name by this rediculous phrase. i am personally offended by this because i would like to follow the christan faith but with people like this leading the ceromony i would feel as the one i am to following is incompident and does not think before he speaks for a higher cause
If u r a true free thinker u might suspect the photo to be "photo shoped" after comparing the above letters with the true below letters or am I just thinking tooooooooooo freely hmmmmm.