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No Pussyfooting Around: We Sell Weed Accessories!

While walking to Hampton’s farewell party on Friday, I passed by Jupiter, one of the relatively new shops that have sprung up on Queen Street just west of Spadina in the past few months:

Photo taken by your ‘umble chronicler.

In my youth, a store like this would have to resort to all sorts of semantic and semiotic trickery to avoid getting shut down. They’d say that they were selling generic “smoking supplies” to enthusiasts who liked to “roll their own cigarettes“. These days — at least here in Accordion City — you can be pretty up-front about this sort of business: they say very clearly that they’re in the weed accessory business, with the same sort of pride Hank Hill has in his business of selling “propane and propane accessories”.

Joey deVilla

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  • Actually, Jupiter has been on Queen for years. It was one of the stores that burned down in the fire last Feb. I was rather suprised (and amused) by their signage forthrightness ... although its not like they pretend to sell anything else if you actually go inside.

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