One man’s pain is another man’s publicity stunt: “Sal the Stockbroker” and Richard Christy from The Howard Stern Show making out in front of Lehman Brothers in New York on CNN.
“When life gives you a lemon,” the adage should’ve gone, “have a simulated gay make-out session on CNN.”
“Shock Jock” Howard Stern sent Sal and Richard, a couple of his boys, to Lehman Brothers’ HQ in Manhattan to make out behind a CNN reporter as he filed a live report from its front doors as employees carrying boxes made their way out of the building. They quickly cut away back to the news desk where the anchor tried to keep a straight face as she described the prank as two men “pretending to console each other”. Here’s the clip:
One reply on “Hot Man-on-Man Action at Lehman Brothers”
Man, makes me miss listening to Howard Stern every morning even more!
Might be time to give some serious consideration on getting a Sirius receiver again.