
A Real-Life “Bill the Cat”

I think that this cat is about as close as we’ll get to a real-life Bill the Cat (without animal abuse, anyway):

"Bill the Cat" and his real-life counterpart

2 replies on “A Real-Life “Bill the Cat””

No, I have the closest thing to Bill the Cat, and it’s not even a cat. We had a goat born on our place this past year, one of quadruplets born to this one nanny. It must have been on the bottom of the pile in utero, because it looks like…. Bill the Cat with horns. Acts like Bill the Cat too, except he doesn’t do drugs or drink, that I know of. I can’t bring myself to put him in the freezer, so I have decided to auction him off to the highest bidder as the caprine reincarnation of Bill the Cat. He is very sweet, in his own “sthpethial” way….

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