This Gun’s for Hire

Life in a startup is full of adventures with its fair share of ups and downs. Budgets shrink and grow, teams shrink and grow and strategies constantly evolve. During these challenging economic times, it’s the companies who maintain their focus while controlling their spending discipline that will survive.

b5media lives and dies by these same rules, and those of us in the ad-driven internet business expect no less. In this current market environment, it is the mandate of a responsible business to look at ways to stretch their dollar and cut their costs.

My role at b5media as Nerd Wrangler, a.k.a. Technical Project Manager, overlaps too closely with the Director of Technology, and there just isn’t enough work to go between the two of us. The Powers That Be at b5 had to make a tough call, but they made the right one for the company: they had to let me go. My final day at the company will be Friday, October 3rd.

I’d like to thank Jeremy Wright and the rest of b5media for taking me on and for the experience at b5 over the past seven months.

And to the rest of you: this gun’s for hire!

(Here’s .)

Joey deVilla

View Comments

  • I'd just like to repeat what everyone knows: Joey is an awesome employee. From an attitude standpoint, an experience standpoint and a cultural standpoint he's fantastic and I'd be happy to recommend him in the future!

    (hell, if he'll have me I'd love to work with him in the future!)

  • Good luck Joey! Sorry to hear this news, but I'm sure you'll have some nice offers to choose between.

  • Gooey, once again you show nothing but class and grace in what, for most, would be a very disheartening situation. I'm sure the toughest decision you'll have to make is which of the many inevitable job offers you'll accept!


  • Joey, that's tough new to hear. Great meeting you earlier this year in person and hanging out. As the previous commenter said, you handled tough news with class and professionalism on the blog. Exactly what matches how everyone knows you in the real world too. Best of luck. Look forward to seeing where you end up.

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