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My Interviews at PDC2008

The most important thing I did at last week’s Microsoft Professional Developers Conference (PDC) in Los Angeles was talk to the people there. I talked to people who use Microsoft’s developer tools and people who work at Microsoft. I even used my accordion powers to make Senior VP Bob Muglia run away at a rooftop bar party! (When you embrace the Dark Side, you need to establish dominance early.)

John Bristowe helped me shoot my first video podcasts as a Microsoft Developer Evangelists. Go check out this article at Global Nerdy where I do interviews with:

  • Don Box: I tell him that I’ve just joined Microsoft from the open source world and ask him to tell me that I haven’t made a terrible mistake and ruined my life.
  • Miguel de Icaza: We talk about the Mono project.
  • John Lam: In which we discuss IronRuby for the uninitiated.
  • Phil Haack: The guy with the best last name for a programmer! We talk about ASP.NET MVC.
  • .NET Micro Framework: An interview in which I find out how the .NET framework, microcontrollers and donuts mix.
Joey deVilla

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