I saw this on the subway the other day and had to get a photo:
Of its “more than 120 clubs and societies”, why did Dalhousie – a school with a great reputation and one of the “Canadian Ivies” – choose to highlight this one?
As a founding member of the Star Trek club at Crazy Go Nuts University, I do not say this lightly: this looks like a club for losers. Unless it’s for a dare in which you stand to make some decent coin, do no join this club. You will never wash away the stench of “loser”. You’d be better off joining the Furry Club or starting cuddle parties – that’s how low on the Geek Hierarchy I think the Quidditch club is.
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One of the guys — and I do mean guys — who’s bound and determined…
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I think I feel fortunate that I had to resort to google to find out what Quidditch was, but now I have another thing in my "that cannot be unseen" file.
True. However...
All things considered, I suspect this club has a much higher female/male ratio than the Star Trek club might ever have. So joining it might (let's face it: *does*) make you a loser, but at least it keeps your chances of getting laid somewhat higher than joining the Club for Peace&Prosperity...
Oh yea, and also: http://www.thedailyshow.com/video/index.jhtml?videoId=106224&title=Summer
Thank you for posting exactly what I thought when I saw that ad.
And I didn't even know CGNU had Star Trek club, I might've had a longer stay there had I known :)
Oh, Alma Mater...why do you embarrass me so?
Don't you think it's a joke? Like "Dude, we have so many activity clubs, we even have Quidditch, which doesn't even exist!"
And yes, this club does seem to have more hotties than your Star Trek club.
You people are all haters! There's nothing wrong with muggles obsessed with HP joining in on the action :) Joey - if I showed Joan this post she very well may devour you.
Quidditch club for losers?!?!!? I would SO JOIN THIS if I had the chance. I fly my HP Geek Flag so high, you can see it from Hogwarts!! You Star Trek weenies think you are cooler than us? Do you KNOW how hot we are???? I am down with the Bessy on this. Y'all are haters.
Dude. You are obviously too old. Harry Potter was the series of a generation. A generation MUCH YOUNGER THAN US. I would totally join this if it was at Crazy Go Nuts now. As Dave says, there would be more girls than at your Star Trek shindig or at any D&D marathon. And I say this with love Joey...you know I have love for you. Generation. Gap.
I also thought "loser" when I read it. But after searching the Dalhousie site for Quidditch info, I was surprised to learn that (a) many schools have competitive clubs and (b) Dalhousie academics and students have created a variation of Quidditch that could be played by paraplegics.
Bully for them -- even though they stole some of my snark!