
The Many Facial Expressions of Keanu Reeves, Master Thespian

For your enjoyment, here’s Master Thespian (and former schoolmate) Keanu Reeves showing his versatility through his 2.5 facial expressions, as seen in his many films:

A montage of stills from many Keanu Reeves movies, showing his 2.5 facial expressions.
Photo montage courtesy of Turbanhead via Miss Fipi Lele.
Click the montage to see it at full size.

7 replies on “The Many Facial Expressions of Keanu Reeves, Master Thespian”

I had forgotten that he was in “Much Ado About Nothing.” It’s easy to forget considering that he’s up against Denzel Washington, Emma Thompson, Kenneth Branagh and Michael Keaton.

Keaton is particularly good in that one, being just plain nuts.

[…] Joey deVilla, who apparently went to school with Keanu Reeves has constructed a master guide to the many expressions of Keanu Reeves. (He estimates it around 2.5.) You can see Reeves “awe” look above. Great stuff. […]

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