It Happened to Me

“Accordion Guy’s” 2008 Stats

Both my blogs hit new readership records in 2008. Global Nerdy got nearly 703,000 pageviews, more than double the previous year’s numbers. The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century didn’t quite double its 2007 pageviews, but it still did pretty well: over 2.6 million, of which about 2 million were unique.

Here’s a chart, courtesy of StatCounter, showing the pageviews the blog has received over the past few years. Keep in mind that web statistics should be taken with a grain of salt:

StatCounter graph showing pageview statistics for 2005 through 2008 -- 2005: 396,134, 2006: 1,488,773, 2007: 1,407,757, 2008: 2,616,865

Here’s how the numbers break down for each quarter of 2008:

StatCounter graph showing pageload counts for "Accordion Guy" for each quarter of 2008 -- Q1: 565, 219, Q2: 842,600, Q3: 604,923, Q4: 604,123.

The second quarter numbers got a big boost from an article I posted on May 29th, Geek Gang Signs, which was responsible for nearly 100,000 pageviews on May 30th alone.

I’d like to thank you, the readers, for continuing to visit both The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century and Global Nerdy. There’s plenty of blogging to come in the new year – please visit often!

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